Paying for Asthma Management at School

Asthma is the most common chronic condition among school-aged children in the United States, and the school setting is an important place for asthma management. The availability of effective school-based asthma services depends greatly on a school system’s ability to obtain Medicaid reimbursement or other funding. Current federal Medicaid policy limits reimbursement for some of the services that students with asthma require at school.

The Childhood Asthma Leadership Coalition, National Association of School Nurses and the National Alliance for Medicaid in Education, Inc., sponsored this Thursday, January 30, 2014 webinar to explore reimbursement hurdles and new opportunities for delivering effective health services in schools for students with asthma. Presenters described public and private funding sources used by school districts to cover nursing services; examined recent legal challenges to the “free care rule,” which is an obstacle to Medicaid reimbursement in schools; and discussed new ways to increase access to health services in schools. The webinar also examined opportunities under health reform law and recent changes to federal Medicaid policy that could allow community health workers to help deliver preventive services to children in schools.

Webinar presenters:

  • Greg Morris, JD, Executive Director, LEAnet: A National Coalition of Local Education Agencies
  • Mary Kusler, Director, Government Relations, National Education Association
  • Janet Lowe, MA, RN, LSN, CPNP, Coordinator, Saint Paul Public Schools Third-Party Reimbursement Program; Member, National Association of School Nurses
  • Katie Horton, RN, MPH, JD, Research Professor at the George Washington University Department of Health Policy, moderator.